Into the Northwest Passage
Unsere Reise beginnt in Kangerlussaq, Grönland. Wir fahren als erstes durch den längsten und wunderschönsten Fjord von Grönland und überqueren den Polarkreis. Während wir nordwärts entlang Grönlands Küste segeln, können wir die typisch bunten Häuser Grönlands sehen. Ein Höhepunkt unserer Reise ist der Besuch des Iluissat Eisfjordes, UNESCO Weltkulturerbe, wo wir um die Eisberge kreuzen und die Eisfelder bewundern können. Bevor wir in Devon Island anlegen, halten wir Ausschau nach Narwalen und Walrossen. Auf Devon Island können wir die Croker Bay und die historische Stätte Dundas Harbour besichtigen. Weiter auf Beechey Island finden wir die Gräber der verlorenen Franklin Expedition und Basis vieler Rettungsmissionen, Entdecker und Seefahrer.
Begleiten Sie uns auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit. Spuren geprägt von Leid und Tod, aber auch von übermenschlichem Durchhaltevermögen, Entschiedenheit und Mut!
Kangerlussuaq is a former U.S. Air Force base and Greenland’s primary flight hub. After our charter flight from Toronto, we will transfer to the Ocean Endeavour by Zodiac. With 190 kilometres of superb scenery, Kangerlussuaq Fjord (Søndre Strømfjord) is one of the longest fjords in the world. We begin our adventure by sailing down this dramatic fjord, crossing the Arctic Circle as we go.
Colourful Sisimiut is Greenland’s second largest city. Access the extensive museum through a towering whalebone archway and be sure to stop in at the artisan’s co-operative for the chance to purchase outstanding handicrafts. Traditional qajaq (kayaking) is in resurgence here, and there’s plenty of other fun outdoor activities for the adventurous to enjoy.
Experience the remarkable beauty of Ilulissat Icefjord, renowned for its enormous icebergs. Ilulissat means “iceberg” - an apt name for this site at the outlet of the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the source of many of the icebergs in the North Atlantic.
Marvel at the sheer grandeur of the towering ice formations as you take a stroll along the boardwalk - truly a sight to behold!
Visit the town, with its captivating museums, charming cafes, craft shops, and bustling fishing harbour. Be sure to make your way to the Ilulissat Icefjord Centre, where you can delve into the fascinating narratives surrounding the ice and gain a deeper appreciation for this awe-inspiring natural wonder.
Exploring by ship and Zodiac along the west coast of Greenland, we have numerous options for expedition stops, to make the most of weather and wildlife conditions.
Whether you're setting foot on land, cruising by Zodiac, or out on the ship's deck, you'll have plenty of chances to learn alongside expert geologists, naturalists, and marine biologists. With Inuit expedition team members at your side, you'll gain an intimate perspective on the abundant flora and fauna you encounter.
Take a moment to savour the tranquility and absorb the knowledge and stories shared by Inuit cultural educators, which will deepen your connection to this breathtaking landscape.
Departing Greenland, we cross Baffin Bay toward Nunavut.
As we sail toward Nunavut, our expedition team will deepen your understanding of the Arctic. This is an excellent time to enjoy workshops, watch a documentary, or get out on deck. Keep your binoculars ready for minke and humpback whales, as well as the seabirds that are sure to mark our passage.
Take the unique opportunity to learn from Inuit in their homeland, gaining a better understanding of the daily lives of the regions we visit. Enjoy cultural performances and maybe even participate in Inuit games, or sample country food.
Through shared experiences and interactions, develop a deep appreciation for the region’s vibrant culture and gain a profound connection to the stunning landscapes we traverse.
Attend a cultural performance put on by the talented Tununiq Arsarniit Theatre Group, featuring drum dancing, throat singing, and storytelling.
Mittimatalik is a busy Arctic community in a beautiful setting—the views of nearby Bylot Island are stunning!
Enjoy exploring the town and take the opportunity to purchase unique handcrafted mementos when available, too.
We will spend ample time exploring Tallurutiup Imanga (Lancaster Sound), one of the newest National Marine Conservation Areas in Nunavut. Narwhal, beluga, and bowhead whales transit and feed in this area.
Cruise by ship and Zodiac in search of wildlife with expert biologists and ecologists. Learn more about the crucial role Inuit play in conserving the vibrant biodiversity of these waterways and the enduring connection between the ocean and Inuit.
On the northern border of Tallurutiup Imanga lies Devon Island, the largest uninhabited island on Earth at over 50,000 square kilometres. Flat-topped mountains, glacial valleys, and a substantial ice cap give Devon Island its unique character. We will hike the tundra, cruise a glacier face, and seek wildlife from the ship and on shore.
Visit archaeological sites and the remains of an RCMP and Hudson's Bay Company site at Dundas Harbour.
In 1845, Sir John Franklin set out from England with HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, attempting to sail through the Northwest Passage. His crew overwintered at Beechey Island, where three of his men died.
Numerous search parties later used Beechey as a depot and rendezvous. Amundsen, Bernier, and Larsen visited Beechey. Thomas Morgan of the HMS Investigator was buried here in 1854 alongside Franklin’s men. The graves and ruins of Northumberland House are a haunting memorial.
This passage marks an area rich in marine and avian life. Thick-billed murres, ivory gulls, beluga, narwhal, and bowhead whales reside in the ice-strewn waters. In addition to abundant wildlife, we’ll delve deeper into the exploration of the Northwest Passage and mercantile efforts of the Hudson's Bay Company.
Discover the famed Bellot Strait, a narrow passage separating Somerset Island from the Boothia Peninsula. As we sail through this two-kilometre-wide waterway, get the unique opportunity to reach the northernmost part of mainland North America.
Keep watch for an array of enchanting marine mammals from beluga whales to narwhals and seals
Delve into the region's fascinating history and learn about Joseph René Bellot, French naval officer and Arctic explorer who joined an 1850s expedition in search for Sir John Franklin, who inspired the strait's namesake.
Navigate the ice-strewn waters of this fabled waterway in search of wildlife. Although this is Nunavut’s least-populated region, wildlife abounds here both in the sea and on land.
Visit a local community where Inuit hosts will share their knowledge of their home and the area's history.
Discover the legacy of this important waterway and the captivating story of Roald Amundsen, who overwintered in the bay for two years while searching for the Northwest Passage. Learn more about the triumphs of explorers like Amundsen and the vital role that Inuit knowledge played in successful crossings.
Located at the mouth of the Coppermine River, Kugluktuk is the westernmost community in Nunavut. Known for many years as Coppermine, the community reverted to its original Inuinnaqtun name - meaning “place of moving waters” - on January 1st, 1996.
Iqaluktuuttiaq (Cambridge Bay), NU, is an alternate disembarkation point, and may be used based on sea, ice, and weather conditions.
Today we will disembark and make our way to the airport to meet our charter flights to Yellowknife, NT.
Preis pro Person in Viererkabine | CHF | 13’910.– |
Preis pro Person in Dreierkabine | CHF | 15’830.– |
Preis pro Person in Doppelkabine (Innen) | CHF | 17’750.– |
Preis pro Person in Doppelkabine (Aussen) | CHF | 19’190.– |
Flug Toronto - Kangerlussuaq (Preis pro Person) ca. | CHF | 1’670.– |
Flug Kugluktuk - Yellowknife (Preis pro Person) | CHF | 1’200.– |
Weitere Kabinen-Kategorien sind auf Anfrage erhältlich. Preisänderungen vorbehalten.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit sind Einzelkabinen ohne Zuschlag für Kat. 3-7 möglich (begrenzte Verfügbarkeit).
16. August bis 01. September 2025
Im Preis inbegriffen
- Sämtliche Übernachtungen
- Alle Mahlzeiten an Bord
- Sämtliche Eintritte, Führungen, Nationalparkgebühren
- Englischsprachiges Expeditionsteam und wissenschaftliche Vorträge an Bord
- Alle Landausflüge und Zodiacfahrten während der Schiffsreise
- Obligatorische Discovery Fund Fee USD 250 pro Person
- Hafengebühren
Nicht im Preis inbegriffen
- Flüge
- Allfällige Treibstoffzuschläge
- Hotelübernachtungen vor und nach der Kreuzfahrt
- Trinkgelder ca. USD 15 pro Person/Tag
- Weitere optionale Ausflüge und Eintritte
- Persönliche Ausgaben
Die Route und das endgültige Programm während der Schiffsreise werden vor Ort vom Expeditionsleiter und dem Kapitän anhand der Eis- und Wetterverhältnisse sowie der Möglichkeiten zu Tierbeobachtungen entschieden. Der hier beschriebene Reiseverlauf dient lediglich als Beispiel.
Der Abschluss einer Auslandskrankenversicherung mit Krankenrücktransport muss nachgewiesen werden.
Bei den Kategorien 3-10 handelt es sich um Doppelkabinen. In Kategorie 2 (Dreierkabine) und Kategorie 1 (Viererkabine) teilen Sie sich die Kabine mit anderen Gästen.