Greenland & Wild Labrador

Begleiten Sie uns wenn wir die Landschaft und die grossartigen Naturwunder von Südwest Grönland und wilden Küste Labradors entdecken.

Unsere Reise beginnt in Kangerlussaq, Grönland. Hier gehen wir an Bord der Clipper Adventurer bevor wir den 168km langen Fjord bis an die Küste entlangsegeln. Seit Tausenden von Jahren war Grönland Anziehungspunkt für viele Abenteurer und Entdecker. Es ist ein Platz von enormer Schönheit – tiefe Fjorde, grossartige Eisberge und bunte Häuser. Ein Höhepunkt der Reise ist der Besuch von Nuuk, Grönlands Hauptstadt und Zuhause der 500 Jahre alten Mumien Qilakitsoq. Von hier aus überqueren wir die Meeresenge Davis Strait nach Kanada. Unberührt und gigantisch, Labrador ist ein Land der Inspiration. Wir verbringen die nächsten 3 Tage auf dem Schiff und segeln südwärts mit Aussicht auf atemberaubende Bilder des Torngat Mountains National Park. Wir werden die verlassenen Siedlungen von Hebron und Nain besichtigen.

Die eisverstärkte Ocean Endeavour wurde zuletzt 2014 grundlegend renoviert und ist seitdem als Expeditionsschiff in der Arktis und Antarktis unterwegs. Grosszügige Decksflächen bieten viel Platz um die arktische Landchaft und das Tierleben zu beobachten. Das komfortable Schiff verfügt über drei Lounges, zwei Restaurants, Fitnessraum und Spa, Whirlpool, Swimming Pool, getrennte Damen- und Herrensauna sowie eine Bücherei und einen Kiosk. Alle Kabinen haben ein eigenes Bad sowie Radio, TV, und Klimaanlage. Für die Landgänge steht eine Flotte von 20 Zodiacs bereit und ein «Mudroom» um sich bequem umzuziehen.


15 Tage


max. 198

Ab - Bis

Kangerlussuaq - St. John's

Kangerlussuaq is a former U.S. Air Force base and Greenland’s primary flight hub. Here we will be transferred by Zodiac to the Ocean Endeavour. With 190 kilometres of superb scenery, Kangerlussuaq Fjord (Søndre Strømfjord) is one of the longest fjords in the world. We begin our adventure by sailing down this dramatic fjord, crossing the Arctic Circle as we go, spending time on deck watching for aurora borealis.

Kangerlussuatsiaq means “the rather big fjord” in Greenlandic, while the Danish name Evighedsfjorden translates to “the fjord of eternity,” underscoring its vastness and seemingly never-ending nature.

See why Kangerlussuatsiaq Fjord lives up to its name and marvel at this complex coastal waterway that includes calving glaciers, sheer bird cliffs, and streams cascading against a towering mountain backdrop.

Explore this sublime glacial landscape by ship and by Zodiac.

The waters here are relatively warm, due to the West Greenland Current and the subarctic location.

Stop in at vibrant Nuuk, the capital of Greenland.

Visit the Greenland National Museum, one of the city’s many outstanding features, where the world-famous Qilakitsoq mummies rest.

The old harbour includes many buildings dating from Danish colonial days, while contemporary Nuuk is known for art, shopping, pubs, and cafés.

Deepen your understanding of the environment, cultures, and history of the region as we sail across the Davis Strait towards Labrador. Get the privileged opportunity to engage with and learn from Inuit in their homeland.

Enjoy workshops and presentations, watch a documentary, and get out on deck! Try your hand at athletic feats during an interactive cultural performance of Inuit games.

Through shared experiences and interactions, develop a deep appreciation for the culture and gain a profound connection to the stunning landscapes we traverse.

Keep your binoculars ready to spot whales and seabirds who follow in our wake.

Spend four days exploring an area of treeless, mountainous tundra in Torngat Mountains National Park, where some of Canada’s highest peaks east of the Rockies are found.

Enjoy your time hiking, visiting archaeological sites, and Zodiac cruising. Here, Inuit of Nunatsiavut will be your guides in their spiritual homeland.

Inuit of Nunavik and Nunatsiavut play a key role as partners in the management of Torngat Mountains National Park.

Many see the park as a portal for better understanding of Inuit culture. The word Torngat is derived from the Inuttut word tongait, meaning “place of spirits,” where Inuit shamans travelled to connect with higher powers. It is not hard, even for a visitor, to feel the power of the place.

Also be on the lookout for marine mammals, polar and black bears, caribou, falcons, and eagles.

Step back in time to the historical site of Hebron, which preserves a Moravian Mission station dating from the 1830s.

Call in at the old church, which is where Inuit who resided here in 1959 learned they would be forced to relocate.

Take a moment to read the plaque that commemorates this history and the apology to people affected by the relocations, issued by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador in 2005.

Listen to the stories shared by our guides and meet former Hebron residents and their kin who continue to visit the site and to hunt and fish nearby.

Visit Nain, the most northerly community in Labrador and the administrative capital of Nunatsiavut.

Stop in at the historic Moravian church, enjoy the vibrant brass band, and visit Illusuak, the stunning cultural centre.

Expect a warm welcome and the opportunity to peruse arts and handicrafts at this dynamic visit.

This will be your first chance to see trees since the start of your journey!

Explore the southern Labrador coast, where you’ll find a diverse geography of coastal barrens, high subarctic tundra, high boreal forest, mid-boreal forest, string bog, and islands.

We’ll make the most of every opportunity to hike and Zodiac cruise alongside our expedition team. With their expert guidance, every step of your journey will be filled with insightful interpretation, allowing you to truly appreciate the beauty and significance of the landscapes you encounter.

Choose the activity you prefer during expedition landings in this beautiful and quiet region.

Wander through the reconstructed Viking habitation at L’Anse aux Meadows, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the only authenticated Norse settlement in North America.

Learn more about the archaeological remains that date to approximately 1000 CE, and how—amazingly—the site was first found here in 1960 by a close reading of the Viking sagas.

Be sure to visit the superb interpretation centre and meet the actors in period costumes as you make your way through the reconstructed Norse-style sod buildings. This is a must-see for any visitor to Newfoundland and Labrador!

Explore the wonders of Canada’s most easterly national park, where the land meets the sea in a stunning display of natural beauty.

Make your way to the park’s visitor centre and dive into the mysteries of the ocean through touch tanks, marine exhibits, and aquariums. Located along the Newman Sound portion of the Terra Nova Migratory Bird Sanctuary, the visitor centre offers the perfect vantage point to spot fascinating shorebirds in their natural habitat.

Take a stroll along one of the park's scenic trails accompanied by our expert expedition team who will offer interpretations of the surroundings. Marvel at the vibrant colours and intricate details of this extraordinary destination, where nature's power and beauty come together in perfect harmony.

Welcome to St. John’s - the vibrant capital of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Complete your journey by sailing into historic St. John’s harbour, looking out for Signal Hill as you enter the world-famous Narrows. Photograph the charming houses of the Battery, always a hit with shutterbugs.

Say your farewells in this cultural hotspot and what is sometimes called North America's oldest city.


Weitere Kabinen-Kategorien sind auf Anfrage erhältlich. Preisänderungen vorbehalten.

Je nach Verfügbarkeit sind Einzelkabinen ohne Zuschlag für Kat. 3-7 möglich (begrenzte Verfügbarkeit).


17. September bis 01. Oktober 2025

Im Preis inbegriffen

  • Sämtliche Übernachtungen in der gebuchten Kategorie
  • Alle Mahlzeiten an Bord
  • Sämtliche Eintritte, Permits und Nationalparkgebühren
  • Englischsprachiges Expeditionsteam und wissenschaftliche Vorträge an Bord
  • Alle Landausflüge und Zodiacfahrten während der Schiffsreise
  • Obligatorische Discovery Fund Fee USD 250 pro Person
  • Hafengebühren

Nicht im Preis inbegriffen

  • Flüge
  • Allfällige Treibstoffzuschläge
  • Hotelübernachtungen vor und nach der Kreuzfahrt
  • Trinkgelder ca. USD 15 pro Person/Tag
  • Weitere optionale Ausflüge und Eintritte
  • Persönliche Ausgaben


Die Route und das endgültige Programm während der Schiffsreise werden vor Ort vom Expeditionsleiter und dem Kapitän anhand der Eis- und Wetterverhältnisse sowie der Möglichkeiten zu Tierbeobachtungen entschieden. Der hier beschriebene Reiseverlauf dient lediglich als Beispiel.

Der Abschluss einer Auslandskrankenversicherung mit Krankenrücktransport muss nachgewiesen werden.

Bei den Kategorien 3-10 handelt es sich um Doppelkabinen. In Kategorie 2 (Dreierkabine) und Kategorie 1 (Viererkabine) teilen Sie sich die Kabine mit anderen Gästen.
